Ala Archa 2023
Today: Thursday 16 Jan 2025
Closing Date Extended: Saturday 17 Jun 2023

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The Ala Archa National Park is an alpine national park in the Tian Shan Mountains of Kyrgyzstan, established in 1976 and located approximately 40 km south of the capital city of Bishkek. The park covers about 200 square kilometers, and its altitude ranges from about 1,500 meters at the entrance to a maximum of 4,895 meters at Peak Semenova Tian-Shanski, the highest peak in the Kyrgyz Ala-tau range of the Tian Shan. There are more than 20 small and large glaciers and some 50 mountain peaks within the park. The Adygene gorge is a wooded valley with waterfalls, springs and abundant trout. The park includes the gorge of the Ala-Archa River and the mountains surrounding it.

ALA ARCHA exhibition is with the patronage of the Federation Internationale de l'Art Photographique (FIAP), 2023/425 and conducted under the approved rules of the Photographic Society of America (PSA), 2023-285. Acceptances obtained in this salon will be taken into account for FIAP Distinctions, PSA Star Rating listings in the worldwide PSA Who’s Who of Photography and credited for PSA Distinctions.